Health means that a person is in good physical, mental and social conditions. Health includes two aspects: one is that the main organs are disease-free, the body shape is well developed, the body shape is uniform, each body system has good physiological functions, and has strong physical activity and labor capacity, which is the most basic for health Requirements; the second is strong resistance to disease, able to adapt to environmental changes, various physiological stimuli and the role of pathogenic factors on the body.
The traditional concept of health is "health without disease", and the modern concept of health is overall health. The World Health Organization puts forward "health is not only physical without the disease, but also mental health, good social adaptation, and morality." Therefore, the health content of modern people includes physical health, mental health, mental health, social health, intellectual health, moral health, environmental health and so on. Health is a basic human right. Health is the first wealth in life.
Conceptual Evolution
Health English is: Wellness, health status/status English is: Health. In some dictionaries, "health" is usually simply defined as "the body is in a normal state of operation without disease".
This is the traditional concept of health. Usually we do think of the disease as a disturbance of the body, resulting in a decline in function, impairment of quality of life (mainly caused by physical pain) or premature death.
The concept of health in "Ci Hai" is: "All organ systems of the human body are well developed, function normally, physically fit, energetic and have good labor The state of effectiveness. Usually measured by anthropometry, physical examination and various physiological indicators. "This formulation is better than" health is not sick ", but it still treats people as biological organisms. Because although it proposes the concept of" labor efficiency ", it still does not treat people as social people Treatment. The understanding of health is recognized as correct in the era of the biomedical model.
In our dictionary, why do we have the above notes on health? The reason is nothing more than two aspects. The first is the author of the dictionary, who did not know that the World Health Organization had a definition of "health" in 1946.
The second is his understanding of health, which should be said to be "harmful." However, having said that, the general public understands that health is "the body is in a normal state of operation and there are no diseases." This concept was recognized and accepted by the masses at that time, including medical workers. Because, for a long time in the past, we were in a state of ignorance about "the psychological and social adaptability".
It was not until the reform and opening up in recent years that I began to pay attention to the impact of psychological and social adaptability on health. A doctor who graduated from a medical university in the 1960s told me that they did not study well in two courses when they were studying in school. One is nutrition and the other is mental health.
The reason why nutrition is not well studied is that at that time, even the stomach was not full, what nutrition is still talking about? As for mental health, that is idealistic.
Regarding the concepts of health and disease, the Chinese version of the "Concise British Encyclopedia" in 1987 defines: "Health, the physical, emotional, spiritual, and social abilities of individuals who can adapt to the environment for a long period." "Abnormal physiological or mental state that produces symptoms or signs" is "the state where the body's shape and function of organs and tissues deviate from the normal standard under the influence of pathogenic factors." , Pulse, blood pressure, vision, etc.), but its standards are difficult to grasp. ”Although the concept refers to psychological factors in the definition, there is no specific content in terms of measurement and disease classification.
It can be said that this is the product of the transition process from the biomedical model to the biological, psychological and social medical model. On the one hand, this transformation still lacks sufficient clinical practice data to provide a theoretical summary; on the other hand, although the author accepts the idea of a new medical model, it is difficult to make further theoretical discussions.
Therefore, it has not yet reached the concept of health mentioned in its charter when the World Health Organization (WHO) was founded in 1946: "Health is a physical, psychological and social perfection, not just Is a state of disease and weakness. "(Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.) WHO1948.
It is difficult to define this precisely. Because even if there is no obvious disease, people's feelings of health or unhealth are also very subjective. No doubt feeling healthy does not mean that the body is not sick.
The World Health Organization ’s definition of health extends the biological meaning of human health to the state of health in both spiritual and social relations (the quality of social interaction), and the physical health status is included.
Health meaning
The meaning of modern health is not only that the traditional body is not sick, according to the "World Health Organization" interpretation: health not only refers to whether a person's body has disease or weakness, but also refers to a person's physical, psychological and The state of health in a society is the relatively complete scientific concept of health in modern times.
The meaning of modern health is diverse and broad, including physical, psychological and social adaptability 3 In this regard, social adaptability ultimately depends on physical and psychological qualities. Mental health is the spiritual pillar of physical health, and physical health is also the material basis of mental health.
A good emotional state can make the physiological function in the best state, otherwise it will reduce or destroy a certain function and cause disease. Changes in physical conditions may bring about corresponding psychological problems, physiological defects, diseases, especially chronic diseases, which often cause people to have anxiety, restlessness, anxiety, depression and other bad emotions, leading to various abnormal mental states.
As a unity of body and mind, body and psychology are two closely interdependent aspects.
Four cornerstones of maintaining health: balanced diet, moderate exercise, quitting smoking and limiting alcohol, mental health
Mental health
Mental health is relatively speaking. Absolute health does not exist. People are at a certain point in the middle of the continuous line of both healthy and extremely unhealthy ends, and the state of human mental health is dynamic, not static. Motionless.
People's mental health can be changed from relatively healthy to relatively healthy, but also from relatively healthy to less healthy. This will always be the case.
Health is an international academic journal dedicated to the latest developments in human health and is published by the American Research Press. The purpose of this magazine is to provide a platform for physicians, health researchers and scholars to promote, share and discuss various new issues and develop health-related issues around the world.
All manuscripts must be prepared in English, a strict and fair peer-review process. Accepted papers will immediately appear online followed by printed hard copies. The journal published original papers, including but not limited to the following fields.
Health formula
After research, the relevant experts have come up with a healthy formula:
Health = (stable mood + moderate exercise + reasonable diet + scientific rest)
Disease = (laziness + smoking addiction + alcoholism)
The above formula shows that the three elements of longevity are beneficial to health. In the formula, the larger the numerator, the healthier the body, and the larger the denominator, the worse the body.
The formula for calculating the appropriateness of weight-weight divided by the square of height, as follows:
[Weight (kg)] / [height (m) × height (m)] = body mass index
1. Less than 18.5, thin
2. Between 18.5 and 20.9, slim
3. Moderate between 20.9 and 24.9
4. Over 24.9, overweight
According to the report of the World Health Organization:
Health = 15% genetic factors + 10% social factors + 8% medical conditions + 7% climate conditions + 60% self-care [3]
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